Sunday, February 13, 2011

Je suis la mère de gougères!

Yes, I am the proud mother of gougeres, as of yesterday. This will be a sort of filler post, hopefully I will have something longer by the end of this week. Am thinking of cooking dinner for family. Maybe.

First, before I start describing the tedious process of making the gougeres, I have to say: PIERRE IS A LIAR. These were definitely NOT as easy as he said they were. His exact words: "Even I can make them". LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. HUNG ON A TELEPHONE WIRE.
That aside, I personally think they were almost worth all the trouble. And ingredients.

The Original "Recette"


1/4 water, 100 gr butter. Salt, pepper, 150gr flour, 4 eggs, 100 gr Swiss cheese, 50 gr Comté cheese,

Blend water + salt + butter and boil in a saucepan. Mix and add flour at once very fast then move out of fire. Add eggs and cheese very slowly.

With a teaspoon make small balls and put in the oven preheated at 200 degrees and cook for 10 mn.
I did just that. Ish.
1. I blended the water, salt and butter. So far so good.

2. Added the flour, and tried to mix at a very high speed. Fail.

 3. After what seemed like 3 hours of mixing, the mixture started resembling mashed potatoes. It didn't taste like mashed potatoes though. Not that I tried eating it or anything...

4. I looked at the fake mashed potatoes, and decided there was no way the cheese would just melt in. Other measures had to be taken.

5. Realized I didn't have the right cheese. Shit.

6. Decided that I will just use the cheese we have at home.

7. I got a brilliant idea! 
8. Got out a tiny pan, which my sister had once fried bacon on for an experiment (long story), and put the  cheese in it. 
9. That didn't work quite so well, so I added butter.

10. That failed too. The cheese started burning, and sticking to the pan. Another bolt of genius hit me. I then added water, which actually worked. Yum. Cheese, water and butter.

11. Added more cheese. Then more butter. Then more water. Until it turned into this:

12. Put it into the mashed potato mixture.

13. Oh god. Yet another 3 hours wasted on mixing everything.

14. Finally, I had finished.  Then following my sigh of relief, I realized I forgot to add the egg.
15. Added the egg and thought "How the hell am I going to mix THIS"

16. Tried mixing. Not fun. 

17. While mixing, some of the goo started dripping out. I tried saving it, Superman style. Result: Goo on fingers.

18. I finally finished. I poked the mixture and thought, Hmm, maybe it needs a bit more flour. This was probably because it had started looking like yellow mucus by then. 
19. Added flour.
20. Added more flour.
21. Added even more flour.
22. Added some butter, to even things out, because I added too much flour.
23. Decided to have a test bake. Put a tiny blob onto a pan. 
Photos of the Pioneer Gougere Journey:

 24. After it finished baking, I tried to get it off the pan. Unsuccessfully.

22. Baked the rest of them.
I don't think this was how it was meant to look like... Oh well. It kind of tasted like a mini cheese bread. Eh, close enough...

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